Coping Strategies and Quality Of Life among Individuals with Type – 2 Diabetes: Role of Demographic Variables


Coping strategies, demographics variables quality of life, individuals with type – 2 diabetes.


Present study was conducted to explore the relationship between coping strategies and quality of life among individuals with Type-2 diabetes, with particular reference to the role of demographic variables. It was hypothesized that there is a significant negative relationship between active distractive and avoidance focused coping with quality of life, whereas there is a significant positive relationship of active focused coping and religious focused coping with quality of life. It was also hypothesized that the duration of illness is also negatively associated with the quality of life and active focused coping strategies. For the current study N=100 individuals with Type -2 diabetes were taken from general medicine department of Pakistan Institute of Medical sciences Islamabad (PIMS). The measures of current study included a Demographic Information Form, The Coping Strategies questionnaire (Kausar & Munir, 2004) and The WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (Khalid & Kausar, 2008). The results of the current study revealed a significant positive relationship of social functioning and environment with active and religious focused coping and a significant negative relationship with active distraction and avoidance focused coping strategies, while physical functioning had significant weak relationship with active distractions and avoidance focused coping strategies and psychological functioning had a significant positive relationship with active focused coping and a negative relationship with active distraction and avoidance focused coping strategies.  Results of univariate analysis of variance indicated that significant mean differences were found on active focused coping strategies (F = 4.03, p < .01) and environment (F = 3.62, p< .01).  Results have important implication in providing a psychological consultancy to the individuals with type – 2 diabetes.