Other Side of Academic Dishonesty: A Teachers’ Perspective


Academic dishonesty, acts of academic dishonesty, characteristics of individuals, reasons of academic dishonesty, teachers, students, administration


The current study was aimed at exploring the teachers’ perspective of Academic Dishonesty (AD) in higher education institutes of Karachi, Pakistan by employing qualitative research method. Data was collected through in-depth qualitative interviews with university teachers (N=4) working in public (n=2) and private (n=2) sector universities of Karachi, belonging to faculty of social sciences who were approached through convenient sampling technique. The data was analysed through critical reflective thematic analysis. Three major themes have been generated i.e. acts, reasons of AD, and characteristics of individuals (teachers, students & administration) who are engaged in it. The findings showed that AD was defined as a lack or absence of certain tangible and intangible practices and actions. As far as the reasons of AD are concerned, different reasons have been identified for teachers, students and administration. Teachers are engaged in AD as they want to maintain their self-image or are incompetent. The students indulge in these acts because of their personal and social reasons. Lastly, administrative staff is involved in AD because they either want money or they are ineligible for the job and its requirements. To control AD, strict measures need to be taken with the help of administration, teachers and parents of students. Finally, if the intangible acts can be controlled then separate measures should be taken for teachers, students and administration. The findings of the current study are important for the policymaking and its implementation to control AD.