The study was meant to compare body shape apprehension based on gyming and gender among undergraduate students of Karachi. Therefore, it was anticipated that university students who go to the gym would have a high level of body shape apprehension than those who do not go to the gym. Female students would have a high level of body shape apprehension as compared to male students. The participants of this study comprised of 400 university students (Male n=200 & Female n=200) in the age range of 19 to 25 years ( M=22.55; SD =1.81) from Karachi, Pakistan. After taking consent from the authorities of universities, research participants were approached through purposive convenient sampling. They were then requested to fill the demographic form and Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-16; Evans & Dolan, 1993). Results showed that students who go to the gym have a highly significant level of body shape apprehension than those students who do not go to the gym. Furthermore, female university students reported significantly high levels of body shape apprehension than male students. Therefore it is important for academic institutions to promote health, well-being, self-acceptance, physique satisfaction and positive use of gym for students to deter the maturing extensiveness of body shape worries among them.