The current research was conducted to compare the marriage systems with success in marriages in upper income group and educated class of Karachi. To explore the relationship scientifically the marriage systems were divided into three categories i.e. "Totally Arranged marriages" "Partially Arranged and Partially Love marriages" and "Totally Love Marriages". It was predicted that "Partially Arranged and Partially Love Marriages" in Upper Income Group and Educated Class of Karachi will be successful as compared to "Totally love" and "Totally Arranged" Marriages.
The success of marriage was determined by the outcome of marriage. The fates of "Totally Love Marriages" and "Totally Arranged Marriages" were compared with the fate of "Partially Arranged and Partially Love Marriages". A standardized interview form was constructed in order to find out the results of the marriages in Karachi and to collect some biographical information from the individuals. Divorce and Separation were taken as the criteria for unsuccessful marriages and length (individuals who were currently living together and have been happily married for more than five years) of marriages was taken as a criterion for successful marriages. The individuals who completed 14 years or more than 14 years of formal education were considered to be the educated class of Karachi. The individuals whose monthly gross family income is more than 30,000 rupees were taken as the upper income group of Karachi.
A chi-square test was computed for the statistical analysis of the data. The research findings provide the evidence that "Partially Arranged and Partially Love Marriages" are successful in Upper-Income Group (N = 173) of Karachi as compared to "Totally Love" and "Totally Arranged" Marriages". The hypothesis was significant at P<0.001 level. It was also found that "Partially Arranged and Partially Love Marriages" are successful in Educated Class (N = 120) of Karachi as compared to "Totally Love" and "Totally Arranged" Marriages" and hypothesis was significant at P < 0.05 level.